
Law Firm in Haifa

Doron, Tikotzky, Kantor, Gutman, Ness, Amit, Gross & Co. is a leading law firm in the field of commercial law in Israel. Our offices, located in two branches in Israel’s centre and in Haifa, are staffed by more than 110 lawyers, including accountants, economists, and veteran professionals from the Ministry of Justice, government authorities, and the Tax Authority. We are the largest law firm in Haifa and northern Israel.
Law Office in Haifa: large firm near your home
Our firm provides comprehensive legal services to a wide range of clients who choose us for our expertise, our creative solutions and “out of the box” approach, and our professionalism. We provide ongoing consultancy and representation to large sectors of Israel’s economy, assist businesses in crisis, and represent companies before State institutions on issues resulting from Covid-19, as well as handling insolvency issues and representation before the Tax Authority.
The personal touch
As a firm which started out in Haifa and northern Israel, we strongly believe in personal attention. Every case, no matter how large or small, is handled by the firm’s partners, who ensure personal, customized care. Our team of lawyers are committed to quality service based on professionalism, creativity, innovation, and dedication to the task at hand.
The Economic Forum for the Promotion of Haifa and the North
As a law firm based in Haifa, taking part in advancing the needs of northern Israel’s business sector is important to us. Together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Haifa and the North, and additional bodies, we established the Economic Forum. Its purpose is to assist in seeking ways to promote Haifa and northern Israel districts, support them in their economic and business development, and drive growth for the entire region. The forum operates on an ongoing basis to unify the various bodies at the public, governmental, and municipal levels in economic and business activities across the region.
Legal services tailored to your needs
As the largest law firm operating in northern Israel, we provide our clients with an extensive legal package offering professional and business solutions. We address each client’s needs in all areas of the client’s activities and in every business decision.
Our firm offers services for a wide range of legal issues, among them civil, criminal and international taxation; commercial litigation; settlement of disputes and class action suits; real estate transaction in Israel and abroad including planning and construction; insolvency and economic rehabilitation; ongoing support for technological companies and startups; venture capital investments and private investments; mergers; acquisitions of shares and assets; consultancy to public companies; public and private issues and capital raises; employment; immigration and relocation; family capital management; intergenerational transfers and trusts.
Our firm also has an economic department which combines financial consultancy services, accounting and management integrated with expansive legal support.

אנו עומדים לרשותך בכל שאלה: סניף מרכז 03-6109100, סניף חיפה 04-8147500, נייד: 054-4251054

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Corporate Lawyer

By: Eli Doron, Adv; Yaron Tikotzky, Adv, (C.P.A); Dr.Slomo Nass, Adv, (C.P.A)

Our firm advises and provides ongoing legal support for companies and corporations, officers and shareholders, on all legal and commercial issues relating to the company’s activities, from the stage of incorporation and throughout the company’s lifecycle and growth.

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אני מאשר/ת בזאת לדורון, טיקוצקי, קנטור, גוטמן, נס, עמית גרוס ושות' לשלוח לי ניוזלטרים/דיוור של מאמרים, מידע, חידושים, עדכונים מקצועיים והודעות, במייל ו/או בהודעה לנייד. הרשמה לקבלת הדיוור כאמור תאפשר קבלת דיוור שבועי ללא תשלום. ניתן בכל עת לבטל את ההרשמה לקבלת הדיוור ע"י לחיצה על מקש "הסרה" בכל דיוור שיישלח.