Adv. Nahi Hamoud manages our firm’s Banking and Debt Collection Department. He specializes in banking law, bill charges enforcement, foreclosures, commercial law and litigation.
Nahi has vast experience in debt collection procedures, bill enforcement, banking, litigation and foreclosures. He is also highly experienced in managing broad scale collection systems. He heads a skilled, experienced team of lawyers, legal desk managers and accountants, and handles collection and execution via our two branches in Bney Brak and Haifa, enabling effective coverage across all stages of realizing debts, handling large numbers of cases simultaneously, and being able to provide instant follow-up and reports on all aspects of a case with the courts of law, enforcement offices, and our firm’s clients on a case’s development.
Nahi’s has extensive experience and skills in the representation of banks in collection procedures, foreclosures, and lawsuits against bank debtors, as well as litigation proceedings with customers, guarantors and holders of collateral.