Traffic accidents are unfortunately a daily event. They may not only cause damage to property but also bodily and psychological injury.

The Road Accidents Victims Compensation Act allows any passenger, driver or pedestrian to file a road accident compensation claim irrespective of the claimant’s degree of liability and whether it is a minor road accident or a serious road accident. The injuries may be head injuries, memory and concentration issues, whiplash, back pain, injury to limbs, hearing impairment, mental injury, impacted work capability, physical exhaustion (fibromyalgia) and other issues. Such injuries cause lost work days, medical costs, post trauma and other outcomes which may qualify for compensation.
Calculating compensation involves taking various parameters into account with regards to the bodily injury’s severity, medical disability, age of the injured person, marital status, occupation, lost income, current and future medical expenses, loss of pension, and more.
Traffic Accident Lawyers
Our firm’s Torts department has extensive experience of handling thousands of legal cases efficiently and quickly, and maintains close personal connections with each client. The Department has gained experience in calculating, assessing and preparing economic and accounting analysis of each client’s specific situation, and the scope of the economic damage that can claimed from insurance companies and the Bituach Leumi. Combining our legal, financial and accounting proficiencies allows us to calculate and claim loss of profits, rehabilitation costs, mental injuries, future damages and more.
Our firm maintains an extensive network of connections with specialist doctors able to provide opinions and other data which assist our department in presenting the relevant parties with the true and full extent of damage incurred, and translate it into quick monetary compensation for the client
Where a road accident is also deemed a work accident, we also assist in the report of filing a Bituach Leumi claim.
Our department’s policy is to represent only injured persons and parties, and not insurance companies. This means we focus all our energy and expertise on maximizing the compensation to which our client, as the injured party, is entitled.

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: Center Branch 03-6109100, Haifa Branch 04-8147500, Mobile 054-4251054

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call 972-3-6109100

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