
Being named in a lawsuit can be an unexpected and unsettling experience.  Regardless of the type of litigation, the merits of the lawsuit, or prospects of prompt resolution, once a lawsuit has been filed certain procedural obligations must be met. Failure to address these obligations in a timely manner may prejudice your ability to defend against the suit.
I live in Israel but have been sued in the U.S. What do I do?
The United States judicial system is governed by both state and federal laws, each having its own set of procedural and substantive rules. When a non-citizen, non-resident has been named in a lawsuit or is subject to a subpoena, the first step is to determine if the Court has jurisdiction over the person and if service is proper. If so, the next critical step is to respond in a timely manner. 
This often requires contacting the lawyer for the other side and seeking an extension of time. Failure to respond in a timely manner, or to get an extension of time to respond could result in adverse monetary and legal consequences.  Therefore, when named in a lawsuit it is critical to retain legal counsel immediately to preserve your rights. Thereafter, counsel can assess the underlying legal matter and discuss the best way to proceed.
This often involves retaining local counsel in the jurisdiction where the legal matter with the appropriate expertise in the underlying subject matter of the claim.
The U.S. desk of DTKGG has collectively more than 35 years of litigation experience in the United States and has represented clients in a variety of actions in both state and federal courts. We have extensive contacts throughout the U.S. across many legal disciplines. 
If you are facing legal action in the United States, we are here to help!

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: Center Branch 03-6109100, Haifa Branch 04-8147500, Mobile 054-4251054

For personal meeting,
call 972-3-6109100

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