
Legal Guidance for American Businesses and Returning Israelis

For the Israeli citizen thinking of returning to Israel, or the American businessman or businesswoman contemplating expanding their scope to include doing business in Israel, the process is both rewarding - and very challenging.  Among those challenges are concerns about purchasing rights, tax obligations, national insurance, rights to education for your children, the process of finding and renting, and  ultimately purchasing a home or commercial property, while finding a job, hiring workers, setting up a business or transferring control of that US company or LLC to Israel.  In addition, particularly for those returning from the United States, there are inevitable questions about the interplay of tax obligations, passing American citizenship to children or grandchildren, and financial reporting to the IRS or Treasury.



Adv. Jonathan Friedland, of DTKGG made aliyah some fifty years ago. He received his degrees at Yale and New York University School of Law.  For over thirty years, Mr. Friedland served the United States as its single consular representative in all of northern Israel, while also acting as a private attorney admitted to the bar in New York State and in Israel.  He has dealt with thousands of individuals and companies who sought his assistance, be it on consular matters, or on private and commercial legal transactions, contracts, and enforcement of their rights. Mr. Friedland has now brought those decades of experience to the American Desk at the international law firm of Doron, Tikotzky, Kantor, Gutman, Nass, Amit Gross and Co. With offices in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Bucharest, Nicosia, and New York, DTKGG provides full legal services for tax taw, capital markets, hi-tech, corporate law, insolvency and economic rehabilitation, labor law, relocation, real estate, Israeli tax matters, and litigation in the civil, criminal, commercial, and family courts.  With a full referral directory of US experts on American tax laws, and European specialists in EU taxation, the firm can ensure you have the best local tax expert on your team.



DTKGG is staffed by lawyers with hands on experience in creating legal frameworks that maximize client flexibility and protection while comporting simultaneously with two or more legal jurisdictions. The firm has taken Israeli enterprises and brought them to full issue and compliance on the stock exchanges in New York. The firm is regularly called upon by the courts and the media to oversee the reorganization or rehabilitation of corporations, to manage bankruptcies, and to supply the public with information concerning individual or corporate rights. At all times, the key to a successful setup or relocation to Israel lies in anticipating the right issues and receiving accurate advice by tax, legal, and financial experts in planning for those issues or addressing them when compelled.  And when the unexpected, sometimes traumatic, issues suddenly arise, it's critical to have the right people on board.  For over thirty years, Americans and Israelis living in Israel have relied upon Jonathan Friedland in addressing a range of issues that touch on American, Israeli, and other legal issues. That experience now supplements the complete legal service provided by Doron, Tikotzky, Kantor, Gutman, Nash, Amit Grossm & co. 

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: Center Branch 03-6109100, Haifa Branch 04-8147500, Mobile 054-4251054

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