
China's economy had already become the second largest economy in the world as it surpassed Japan's. The Chinese market is attracting significant number of foreign companies drawn to the impressive potential of the Chinese market.
While the attractiveness of the Chinese market is relatively obvious to sharp business people, conducting business in China requires prudence and special preparation, as well as familiarity with Chinese culture and thorough understanding of the way Chinese are conducting their business.

The Chinese desk of Doron, Tikotzky, Kantor, Gutman, Ness, Amit Gross and Co. Law Office i Law Offices was designated as a one focal point of contact for providing a comprehensive solution to companies operating or intent to enter into China. The Chinese desk is managed by Adv. Avi Levy who has more than 12 years of experience in working with Chinese business and Chinese partners. Avi had already studied Chinese (language and culture) more than 25 years ago and has a deep insight into the Chinese culture. Avi was one of the first Tai Chi Chuan instructors in Israel.

The Chinese desk of Doron, Tikotzky, Amir, Mizrahi Law Offices specializes in escorting companies and businesses in international transactions in China and Israel. We provide legal and business services regarding all aspects of commercial law. Our special expertise is in tax law, corporate law, securities law, antitrust, mergers and acquisitions, high tech and telecommunications, intellectual property and investments.
We work in China in close cooperation with leading Chinese law firms and we represent foreign western clients in China in foreign direct investments (FDI), establishment of joint ventures or other forms of business structures and forms of collaborations. We also provide full service in setting up representative offices or establishment of foreign-owned companies, as well as in mergers and acquisitions.

The Chinese Desk advises and assists its clients in their business negotiations in China, with conducting due diligence, escorting and drafting technology transfer agreements, import/export agreements, intellectual property protection, and in dispute resolutions. We provide companies with secretarial services, and assist our clients in filing officially required records and in obtaining governments' approvals.

The Chinese desk of Doron, Tikotzky, Kantor, Gutman, Ness, Amit Gross and Co. Law Office represent investors and entrepreneurs, Israeli companies and Chinese companies, in their ongoing business activities. We provide legal opinions and advice private as well as public companies with regard to their company business, tax structure, regulatory affairs, strategic planning and contractual agreements.



Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: Center Branch 03-6109100, Haifa Branch 04-8147500, Mobile 054-4251054

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call 972-3-6109100

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