
The Firm's services through an Austrian Attorney, a Romanian Attorney, a Cypriot Attorney in, an Israeli Attorney and more

Our firm is comprised of over 100 attorneys, accountants and economists, some of whom worked the Ministry of Justice, the tax authorities and more.
The firm's staff includes attorneys licensed to practice law in a variety of countries around the world, and they are licensed to appear before various courts across a number of continents.
Furthermore, the firm consists of a number of departments, each with their own mission and specialization.
Each department consists of a co-Director and a number of attorneys, partners, employees and others who together specialize in a relevant field so that they have the knowledge to provide a solution to the department’s clients.
Company Departments –
  1. Local Tax Department – handles local taxation, working with local tax authorities, disputes with the tax authorities, assessments and payment demands, civil and criminal tax issues, preparing opinions, personal advice and consultation for companies regarding tax liabilities, tax planning and more, all in favor of legal, transparent and optimal conduct, so that customer can enjoy the maximum benefits, as provided by law, insofar as possible.
  2. International Tax Department – handles construction of international structures, establishment of companies in a large number of countries around the world, and analysis of double taxation treaties, for example – the Convention on the Prevention of Double Taxation between Israel and Austria and more. The department advises individuals seeking to work in another country, companies seeking to do business in other countries, clients seeking to invest in one country or another, whether in real estate, retail or other fields, including countries deviating from the shareholder's country of residence, labor prices, obtaining prior approval from tax authorities for legal proceedings that the client seeks to carry out with certainty regarding the expected tax matter and the manner in which the tax authority will receive the planned process, establishment of international trusts and preparation of documents related to the trustee's responsibilities, rules of conduct, protection mechanisms for beneficiaries, all for the benefit of safeguarding the interests of family members and/or other parties and others defined as trust beneficiaries.
  3. Real Estate Department – specializing in representation of citizens seeking to purchase real estate in their country of residence and/or in another country, legal assistance for entrepreneurs seeking to promote transactions from the acquisition stage of rights to the final stages of a transaction, including handling registration of rights. For the benefit of the aforesaid, our firm works with realtors and property managers around the world, whom we will introduce to clients if they require additional services, beyond our legal services.
  4. Litigation & Legal Disputes Department – responsible for the management of legal disputes, including disputes between parties located in different countries, for example, a dispute between an entity in Austria and an entity in Israel. We will provide our legal, economic and accounting knowledge.
  5. Business Rehabilitation & Insolvency Department – specializing in assisting businesses that have cash flow difficulties and/or businesses seeking to increase profitability and/or handling insolvent businesses. We provide advice and support to both owners and related companies and/or entities, all while strictly complying with the provisions of the law, the limitations of the law and with full transparency.
  6. Mergers & Acquisitions Department – specializing in the execution of mergers between companies, division of companies, tax liabilities arising from such moves, reference to building owners and taking any action required in order to ensure legal and optimal conduct.
  7. Labor & Immigration Department – providing solutions or everything related to relocation, employment agreement, work permits in Israel, Austria, Romania and more, employer consultancy and more.
  8. Start-Up Department – provides solutions for entrepreneurs, from the first stages of a project to advanced stages, including finding investors, commercializing intellectual property and more.
  9. Transaction Department – drafting complex or straightforward commercial agreements, all as required, whether the parties are from the same country or different countries.
That which makes our firm unique is largely the ability to combine forces between our various departments, to utilize a range of specializations, so that our team is advancing our clients’ interests armed with knowledge in all issues at hand, while it is clear and obvious that many legal issues concern a range of specializations, with each having vast fields of knowledge which therefore requires vast knowledge on the part of attorneys who handle clients’ cases.
The result is that while the firm handles a client whose interests are related to more than one department, the firm knows how to build a winning team, under one roof, that knows how to provide clients the most suitable and accurate professional solutions.

International Activities

In this regard, it is important to add that our firm has operations in Israel, Romania, Austria, Cyprus and more, so that in order to provide perfect solutions, we know how to utilize specific attorneys, with the appropriate license, experience and skills to handle relevant laws and issues in a specific country. When there are issues that require legal attention in more than one country, our firm knows how to include lawyers from several countries, who together will provide the client with the optimal solutions.
In this context, it is important to note that for the benefit of the aforesaid, our firm has attorneys from Romania, Austria Cyprus and Israeli, who work together in an optimal manner, each brining their expertise in local laws and who can also speak the local language. That is, a Romanian attorney providing legal representation in Romanian, an Austrian attorney providing legal representation in German, a Cypriot attorney providing legal representation in Greek, an Israeli attorney providing legal representation in Hebrew etc.
In light of this, our firm has the ability to prepare legal documents and/or contracts and/or agreements and/or any other legal document in German, Romanian, Hebrew, Greek and more.
Of course, preparation of legal documents in German, Romanian, Hebrew, etc., will also apply to the law applicable to that document, in accordance with what is requested by the client and/or in accordance with the advice the client receives.
For example, if a person wants to make a will in German and/or a marriage agreement in German and/or an agreement to purchase real estate in German, we will make the agreement so that Austrian law applies to him and should the customer request to prepare an agreement in Romanian, we will know how to do so in accordance with Romanian law and the same applies to other countries, such as Israel.
Moreover, when transactions are made, whether in German, Hebrew, English or another language – it is necessary, among other things, to examine the question of jurisdiction and refer to the applicable country in which there is, for example, a dispute.
Of course, our legal and accounting expertise will be expressed, as necessary, in favor of promoting the client's interests, whether in German, English, Hebrew or in any other required language.

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: Center Branch 03-6109100, Haifa Branch 04-8147500, Mobile 054-4251054

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call 972-3-6109100

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