
Our Romanian office is at your service regarding the purchase of real estate in Romania and possible invesetments in Romania.
The sale is made through our Romanian office.

For further information and details regarding the real estate offer below, please contact us through our website or call:


Commercial space with an area of approx. 450 sq. located at ground zero in Bucharest (20 I.C. Bratianu Blvd.) between Piata Universitatii and PIata Unirii. Very suitable for being rented to companies.
Presently rented to KENVELO.

Click on the picture to enlarge:


Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: Center Branch 03-6109100, Haifa Branch 04-8147500, Mobile 054-4251054

For personal meeting,
call 972-3-6109100

or complete the following information

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