Tamir Shenav

Advocate - Litigation
Adv. Tamir Shenhav is a senior attorney in our firm’s Litigation Department, specializing in civil and commercial litigation, with emphasis on class action suits.
Tamir is vastly experienced in representing clients in litigation proceedings and settlement of disputes, from the preliminary stages up to managing litigation cases in a range of civil and commercial areas, in any complexity level, before all judicial instances, as well as in mediation and arbitration proceedings.
Tamir has unique expertise in representing class action suits, and manages several dozen proceedings across a broad range of areas, among them consumerism, advertising, food, accessibility, employment, environment, credit, consumer protection, and more.
His unique areas of knowledge and specialization are food regulations, and protection of privacy, providing legal counsel on the regulatory requirements in both areas. Tamir has completed professional training in the area of privacy protection and data security.
Tamir represents multiple clients from diverse areas of activity against whom class actions were lodged, including retailers, importers, food companies from producers to importers and marketers, marketing chains, clothing chains, and so on. Tamir represents the plaintiffs and manages the legal process from preparation of evidence needed to lodge the class action suit, and through all stages of the proceedings.
Tamir provides legal consultancy to clients related to obtaining permits and certification from government authorities.
Prior to joining our firm, Tamir worked in a leading Israeli law firm, heading its class action suits department.
Ono Academic College, LL.B. (honors), 2014
Membership in the Bar Association:
Member of the Israeli Bar Association since 2015  
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