Lior Haimovich

Advocate - Banking and Debt Collection
Adv. Lior Walzman Haimovich specializes in banking law, debt enforcement, liens enforcement and litigation.
Lior provides writ of execution services to private individuals, companies and organizations, including commercial banks.
Lior has experience in debt collection procedures for our clients, and she provides effective and timely management dozens of cases successfully before the Execution Office.
Lior handles the imposition of restrictions and liens against debtors, debt settlements with creditors, monitoring payments, reopening closed cases, financial claims, and execution of judgments.
Haifa University, LL.M. (Honors), 2021
Ono Academic College. LL.B. (Cum Laude), 2018
Membership in the Bar Association:
Member of the Israeli Bar Association since 2019                                                           
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